H.E. Initialien

Hendrik Eisenblätter,
Cybersecurity specialist

Microcontroller application

A proof of concept showing how to program the RT1170 microcontroller from NXP and communicating with it via CAN and UART. It comes with two additional programs which can be used to communicate with the microcontroller.

This project shows various features such as using zephyr with threads and west project management.

Explore the source code of the application for the microcontroller here, the applications to communicate with the microcontroller here and some defines that both projects use here.

  • RT1170
  • Zephyr
  • C
  • CAN
  • UART
  • Threads

Comfort Mail

Comfort Mail allows you to receive an email each time you submit data to a specific URL. This can be used for contact forms, for example. To prevent spam the user must register before using this service.

This project includes a website for registration, a backend service to manage users, registration status, and to handle data submissions. When data is submitted an email is sent out to the user's email address.

Explore the source code and further information in the GitHub repository.

  • Fullstack
  • Elixir
  • Phoenix
  • Ecto
  • PostgreSQL
  • Swoosh (Mailing)
  • CI
  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests
  • HTML5 & CSS3

Svelte Networked Store

This svelte library provides a svelte store to manage (CRUD-)resources. It does so by helping to fetch the ressource and store an appropriate status. It provides a simple API that is fully tested and documented. The library is written in Typescript, so it provides type definitions.

Explore the source code and further information in the GitHub repository.

  • Library
  • Svelte
  • Typescript
  • Unit tests
  • Documented

Online shop

I designed and developed an online shop using woocommerce and several other plugins. The shop is hosted here.

Although this is not a traditional developer project, I featured it here to show that I can work with different technologies and that I am good at adapting to new technologies.

  • Wordpress
  • Woocommerce
  • Germanized
  • Elementor

Portfolio Page

This page is also a frontend project. It was built using SvelteKit and has no other dependencies. It was built with best practices in mind, so it is tested and has a continuous integration and delivery pipeline setup.

It is hosted on github pages. The resulting (prerendered) page is about 5KB in size and loads in under one second.

Explore the source code and further information in the GitHub repository.

  • Frontend
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Svelte
  • SvelteKit
  • Prerendered
  • CI/CD
  • Github Pages
  • Super fast
    (~5KB size)